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Examples of Children Being Alienated

Here are some examples of how your child will act when they are being alienated.  I know there are quite a few in here that apply to me.  The first one is almost always present, the alienator will usually NOT be positive when it comes to the other parent having their time with the child. 

I have also seen plenty of times when my EX would bad mouth me in front of our children.  I have also been the recipient of the children being asked in front of me if he could take them to an event on one of my days.  It makes me look like the bad person when I say “well, we have to see if that’s possible since I am supposed to have my time with the children on that day.”  Instantly the children view me as the bad person if they don’t get to go to the event since I made that comment.  It’s a tough spot to be in but they are very manipulative.

  • When it is time for children to go to the other parent and they refuse to go, the delivering parent does not encourage them to go to the other parent, stating they do not want to force them to go against their will.
  • When one parent calls to talk to the children, the parent who answers stages a loud conversation about responsibilities for financial difficulties, while the children wait to “have to” get on the phone.
  • Unwillingness of one parent to attend events where the other parent will be in attendance, letting the children know their unwillingness and the reasons for it.
  • Letting the children know that he or she will feel badly if the child goes to the other parent when he or she feels ill, there is a relative visiting from out of town, etc.
  • Telling the children he or she does not want to hear about what they do when they are with the other parent.
  • Ripping up photographs or letters from the other parent with no regard for children’s awareness of the activity.
  • Telling the children information about the other parent, such as issues regarding finances or infidelities—sometimes admitting that they should not have said anything.
  • Telling lies about the other parent, like “Your father had an affair” or “Your mother is an alcoholic” when statements cannot be supported with evidence.
  • Telling the children they can’t repeat things to the other parent about who they spend time with, how they’re doing in school, trips they have taken, or other information.
  • Threatening to stop loving the children if they continue to have a relationship with the offending parent.
  • Creating an environment that is so toxic to the children that they find it easier to believe the lies and innuendos and choose one parent to align with—usually the parent exhibiting the alienating behaviors, effectively ending the relationship with the other parent.

Please take a look at the article below.

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